Pulling the Snake Out
Vines being plentiful in the jungle, the men used them to pull the anaconda out of the tangled logs. As the snake was being hoisted over to the stream bank where there was a flat area of mud, we could see that its belly was so distended that it was obvious that it had eaten a large creature. If I had known this, I may not have shot the anaconda because they usually don't look for more prey during the long digestion period.
Near Contamana, Eastern Peru, August, 1958. Peruvian field crew using vines wrapped around the snake's head to drag the anaconda from a small stream, up its muddy bank and over logs.
We left the snake on the mud flat. It would soon be dark, and we needed to make our way back to our temporary camp. In fact, we were in a real rush to do so because at that latitude in the jungle there isn't any twilight. It's either daylight or it's night. Back at camp I told Dr. Kummel about the incident.
Near Contamana, Eastern Peru. Photo of the anaconda taken the day after it was killed.