Getting the Skin Out
The skin was rolled on a branch which two men could carry on their shoulders, sharing the load. After a couple of weeks our group assembled at a pre-agreed site on the bank of the Ucayali River (about equivalent to the Ohio River in width). Two pontoon planes arrived to meet us. They were an Aronca Sedan and a 195 Cessna, both piloted by missionaries from Yarinacocha near Pucalpa. We flew over the jungle to Pucalpa. A Texas Petroleum Co. WWII Catalina Flying Boat (PBY) picked Dr. Kummel and myself up there. We flew over the Andes to Chiclayo on the desert coast, thence by commercial plane to Lima. The snake skin was tanned in Lima.
Near Contamana, Eastern Peru, August, 1958. Peruvian fieldmen carrying the skin of the 23' anaconda to the riverbank at Contamana on the Ucayali River. It was flown from there to Lima where it was tanned.
Sam Pees (left) and Bernhard Kummel stand by an Aronca Sedan equipped with pontoons. Cessna 195 in background. These planes were used to transport us and our equipment to and from the project area near Contamana, Ucayali River, Eastern Peru, 1958.