A History of Oil Production in California,
Post-World War I Overproduction and Crude Oil Loss, Cardo-Pine Island Field Louisiana,
Lessons From History,
American Petroleum Institute Project 43 and the Origin of Modern Petroleum Microbiology,
History and Geology of the Gient Elk-Poca (Sissionville) Gas Field, Western West Virginia,
Historical Perspective on a Preliminary Report of the Geology of the Cardium Formation (Cretaceous) At Permbina, Alberta, Canada, One of the Most Significant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in North America,
The Stimulation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs with Subsurface Nuclear Explosions,
Oil or Money Refunded: Boom and Bust in the Boulder Oil Field, Colorado, 1902-2001,
Geologic Perceptions Regarding Oil Prospects and Future Growth and Development of California in the Post-Gold Rush Era,
Symposium Abstracts: History of Petroleum Reservoirs