The Ohio Cleaner
The Ohio Cleaner machines were made in the 1920's-30's by The Traction Machine Co. of North Baltimore, Ohio. The Marion Machine, Foundry & Supply Co. was the representative for the Mid-Continent and Pacific Coast regions. The eastern Region headquarters and Export Office were at 90 West Street, New York, according to a 1928 advertisement.
The machines were propelled by a built-in Fordson tractor and had caterpillar-like tracks on the rear. It was a nicely compact unit with a little roof covering the working parts. It had a single pole mast with spikes which folded down over the roof.
The manufacturer points out that "Before you re-pressure your wells, clean them out with The Ohio Cleaner. A clean well is the best producer." The rig could also be used in shallow areas for spudding new wells, drilling, prospecting, pulling casing, and drilling old wells deeper.
The author was driving down Rt. 8 in the Reno, Pennsylvania, area in August 1999 and saw a sign Antique Drilling Rig for Sale. There it was, nicely painted gray and looking in tip top condition. It was a newer model (1930's) than that pictured in the aforementioned 1928 ad.
The Ohio Cleaner which was offered for sale in this lot next to Rt. 8, near Reno, Pa. The factory labeled it machine number 146 on the nameplate.
Detail of rear portion of the Ohio Cleaner.
Detail of the Fordson tractor built into the Ohio Cleaner.
Head-on view of the Ohio Cleaner showing how neat and compact it is. The rig is in travel position with the mast folded over the roof.
Detail of the rear of the machine.